Nancy Holt: Locating Perception



Edited by Andreas Schleicher-Lange, Isabelle Demin. Text by Lisa LeFeuvre, Laura McLean-Ferris, Julian Myers-Szupinska. Interview by Laura McLean-Ferris.

Diving into the artistic ethos behind Holt’s renowned land art and public installations
Working across five decades, American artist Nancy Holt (1938–2014) recalibrated what art can be and where it can be found. She deployed a careful understanding of what it is to perceive, asking that we look beyond what we think we know. This publication journeys through Holt’s work with a specific bent toward archival material, paying particular attention to her investigations into the structures that humans use as we attempt to understand our place on the surface of our planet. Touching on a rich artistic practice spanning from 1966 to 2014, Locating Perception looks at Holt’s experiments with language, audio, location, light and infrastructures of the built environment. Holt issues a call to pause, observe and rethink structures forming our assumptions of the surrounding world.

Paperback, 6.75 x 9 in. / 226 pgs / 85 color / 22 bw.

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